Mladi ljudi se pozivaju da ispune upitnik kojim Europska komisija ocjenjuje kvalitetu pripravništva/stažiranja širom EU.
Upitnik je dio cjelokupnog evaluacijskog procesa koji vodi Glavna uprava za zapošljavanje, socijalna pitanja i uključivanje (DG EMPL), a ocjenjuje se kvaliteta provedbe Preporuke Vijeća iz 2014. o kvalitativnom okviru za pripravništvo (EN: The 2014 Council Recommendation on a Quality Framework for Traineeships (QFT)).
Cilj upitnika je prikupiti informacije o pripravničkim iskustvima mladih, o preprekama s kojima su se susreli tijekom staža/pripravništva te je cilj prikupiti i prijedloge za poboljšanje pripravništva / stažiranja širom EU.
Jedinice lokalne samouprave su zamoljene da upitnik podijelite mladima u njihovim zajednicama.
Upitnik je anoniman i dostupan na 23 jezika (uključujući hrvatski).
Rok za ispunjavanje upitnika je uskoro, 13.3.2022. godine, a link na upitnik je ovdje:
The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion has initiated the evaluation of the 2014 Council Recommendation on a Quality Framework for Traineeships (QFT). Ecorys and 3s were awarded a one-year contract to provide the Commission with an external and independent study to support its evaluation of the Framework. The evaluation will assess the effectiveness of the actions taken in response to the QFT by EU Member States since 2014, the QFT’s efficiency, coherence and added value, and whether it is still relevant, taking into account the changing policy, social and economic context.
As part of this study, the contractor launched a survey targeting young people with or without traineeship experience. The survey aims to collect information on their experience with traineeships, understand the key challenges in doing one and gather their view on what could be done to improve traineeships across the EU.
The survey is available to take in 23 languages, it is hosted on the EU Survey platform, and it is completely anonymous. We would kindly ask you to please share the following survey link within your network and young people you might be in direct contact with.
Survey link:
The survey deadline to answer the survey is 13 March 2022.